GraphBuilder Archives - DBpedia Association Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs Tue, 17 Nov 2020 20:23:11 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 GraphBuilder Archives - DBpedia Association 32 32 GNOSS – How do we envision our future work with DBpedia Tue, 17 Nov 2020 20:23:11 +0000 DBpedia Member Features – In the coming weeks, we will give DBpedia members the chance to present special products, tools and applications and share them with the community. We will publish several posts in which DBpedia members provide unique insights. This week GNOSS will give an overview of their products and business focus. Have fun […]

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DBpedia Member Features – In the coming weeks, we will give DBpedia members the chance to present special products, tools and applications and share them with the community. We will publish several posts in which DBpedia members provide unique insights. This week GNOSS will give an overview of their products and business focus. Have fun while reading!

 by Irene Martínez and Susana López from GNOSS

GNOSS ( is a Spanish technology manufacturing company that has developed its own platform for the construction and exploitation of knowledge graphs. GNOSS technology operates within the framework of the set of technologies that concur in the Artificial Intelligence Program semantically interpreted: NLU (Natural Language Understanding); identification, extraction, disambiguation and linking of entities; as well as the construction of interrogation and knowledge discovery systems based on inferences and on systems that emulate the forms of natural reasoning.

How is our business focus

The GNOSS project is positioned in the emerging market for Deep AI (Deep Understanding AI). By Deep AI we mean the convergence of symbolic AI and sub-symbolic AI.

GNOSS is the leading company in Spain in the construction of solutions aimed at the construction of knowledge ecosystems interpretable and queryable (interrogable) by machines and people, which integrate heterogeneous and distributed data represented by technical vocabularies and ontologies written in programming languages (OWL-RDF ) interpretable by machines, which are consolidated and exploited through knowledge graphs

The technology developed by GNOSS facilitates the construction, within the framework of the aforementioned ecosystems, of intelligent interrogation and search systems, information enrichment and context generation systems, advanced recommendation systems, predictive Business Intelligence systems based on dynamic visualizations and NLP/NLU systems.

GNOSS works in the cloud and is offered as a service. We have a complex and robust technological infrastructure designed to compute intelligent data in a framework that offers the maximum guarantee of security and best practices in technology services.

Products and Solutions


GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder is a development platform upon which third parties can deploy their web projects, with a complete suite of components to build Knowledge Graphs and deploy an intelligent web semantically aware in record time. The platform enables the interrogation of a Knowledge Graph by both machines and people. The main modules of the platform are 1) Metadata and Knowledge Graph Construction and Management; 2)Discovery, reasoning and analysis through Knowledge Graphs; 3) Semantic Content Management. It also includes some configurable characteristics and functions for fast, agile and flexible adaptation and evolution of intelligent digital ecosystems


Thanks to GNOSS Knowledge Graph Builder and GNOSS Sherlock Services, we have developed a suite of transversal solutions and some sectorial solutions based on the creation and exploitation of Knowledge Graphs.

The transversal solutions are: GNOSS Metadata Management Solution (for the integration of heterogeneous and distributed information into semantic data layer consolidating information into a knowledge graph), GNOSS Sherlock NLP-NLU Service (Intelligent software services for machines to understand us, based on natural language processing and on entity recognition and linking; and dynamic graphic visualizations), GNOSS Search Cloud (which includes intelligent information search, interrogation and retrieval systems; inferences; recommendations and generation of significant contexts), GNOSS Semantic BI&Analytics (expressive and dynamic Business Intelligence based on Smart Data).

We have developed sectorial solutions in Education and University, Tourism, Culture and Museums, Healthcare, Communication and MK, Banking, Public Administration; Catalogs and support to supply chain.

What significance does DBpedia for us

We think that the foundations for the construction of the great European Project of Symbolic AI are being created thanks to DBpedia and other Linked Open Data projects, by turning the internet into a Universal Knowledge Base, which works according to the principles and standards of Linked Open Data and Semantic Web. This knowledge base, as the brain of the internet, would be the basis of the IA of the future. In this context, we consider that DBpedia plays a central role as an open general knowledge base and, therefore, as the core of the European Project of Symbolic AI.

Currently, some projects developed with GNOSS platform are already using DBpedia to access a large amount of structured and ontologically-represented information, in order to link entities, enrich information and offer contextual information. Two examples of this are the ‘Augmented Reading’ of Museo del Prado in the descriptions of the artworks of the Museum Prado, and the Graph of related entities in

The ‘Augmented Reading’ of Museo del Prado in the descriptions of the artworks of the Museum (see for instance ‘The Family of Carlos IV’, by Francisco de Goya) recognizes and extracts the entities contained in them, thereby providing additional and contextual information about them, so that anyone who can read them without giving up understanding them in depth.

In, for a given educational resource, its Graph of related entities works as a conceptual map of the resource to support the teacher and the student in the teaching-learning process (see for instance this resource about Descartes).

How do we envision our future work with DBpedia

GNOSS can contribute to DBpedia at different levels, from making suggestions for further development to participating in strategy and commercialization.

We could collaborate with DBpedia contributing to tests of the releases of DBpedia and giving our feedback of the use of DBpedia in projects applied to public and private organizations developed with GNOSS. Based on this, we could make suggestions for future work considering our experience and customer needs in this context.

We could participate in the strategy and commercialization, in order to gain more presence in sectors in which we work, such as healthcare, education, culture or communication, and to achieve that the private companies can appreciate and benefit from the great value that DBpedia can offer them.

A big thank you to GNOSS for presenting their product and envisioning how they would like to work with DBpedia in the future.


DBpedia Association

The post GNOSS – How do we envision our future work with DBpedia appeared first on DBpedia Association.
