GSoC 2015; GSoC 2016; DBpedia Projects Archives - DBpedia Association Global and Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs Wed, 09 Jun 2021 09:31:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 GSoC 2015; GSoC 2016; DBpedia Projects Archives - DBpedia Association 32 32 GSoC 2015 is gone, long live GSoC 2016 Wed, 27 Jan 2016 18:21:52 +0000 The submission deadline for mentoring organizations to submit their application for the 2016 Google Summer of Code is approaching quickly. As DBpedia is again planning to be a vital part of the Mentoring Summit, we like to take that opportunity to  give you a little recap of the projects mentored by DBpedia members during the […]

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The submission deadline for mentoring organizations to submit their application for the 2016 Google Summer of Code is approaching quickly. As DBpedia is again planning to be a vital part of the Mentoring Summit, we like to take that opportunity to  give you a little recap of the projects mentored by DBpedia members during the past GSoC, in November 2015. 

Dimitris Kontokostas, Marco Fossati, Thiago Galery, Joachim Daiber and Reuben Verborgh, members of the Dbpedia community, mentored 8 great students from around the world. Following are some of the projects they completed.

Fact Extraction from Wikipedia Text by Emilio Dorigatti

DBpedia is pretty much mature when dealing with Wikipedia semi-structured content like infoboxes, links and categories. However, unstructured content (typically text) plays the most crucial role, due to the amount of knowledge it can deliver, and few efforts have been carried out to extract structured data out of it. Marco and Emilio built a fact extractor, which understands the semantics of a sentence thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. If you feel playful, you can download the produced datasetsFor more details, check out this blog postP.S.: the project has been cited by Python Weekly and Python TrendingMentor: Marco Fossati (SpazioDati)

Better context vectors for disambiguation by Philipp Dowling

Better Context Vectors  aimed to improve the representation of context used by DBpedia Spotlight by incorporating novel methods from distributional semantics. We investigated the benefits of replacing a word-count based method for one that uses a model based on word2vec. Our student, Philipp Dowling, implemented the model reader based on a preprocessed version of Wikipedia (leading to a few commits to the awesome library gensim) and the integration with the main DBpedia Spotlight pipeline. Additionally, we integrated a method for estimating weights for the different model components that contribute to disambiguating entities. Mentors: Thiago Galery (Analytyca), Joachim Daiber (Amsterdam Univ.), David Przybilla (Idio)


Wikipedia Stats Extractor by Naveen Madhire

Wikipedia Stats Extractor aimed to create a reusable tool to extract raw statistics for Name Entity Linking out of a Wikipedia dump. Naveen built the project on top of Apache Spark and Json-wikipedia which makes the code more maintainable and faster than its previous alternative (pignlproc). Furthermore Wikipedia Stats Extractor provides an interface which makes easier the task of processing Wikipedia dumps for  purposes other than Entity Linking. Extra changes were made in the way surface forms stats are extracted  and lots of noise was removed, both of which should in principle help Entity Linking.
Special regards to Diego Ceccarelli who gave us great insight on how Json-wikipedia worked. Mentors: Thiago Galery (Analytyca), Joachim Daiber (Amsterdam Univ.), David Przybilla (Idio)


DBpedia Live extensions by Andre Pereira

DBpedia Live provides near real-time knowledge extraction from Wikipedia. As wikipedia scales we needed to move our caching infrastructure from MySQL to MongoDB. This was the first task of Andre’s project. The second task was the implementation of a UI displaying the current status of DBpedia Live along with some admin utils. Mentors: Dimitris Kontokostas (AKSW/KILT), Magnus Knuth (HPI)


Adding live-ness to the Triple Pattern Fragments server by Pablo Estrada

DBpedia currently has a highly available Triple Pattern Fragments interface that offloads part of the query processing from the server into the clients. For this GSoC, Pablo developed a new feature for this server so it automatically keeps itself up to date with new data coming from DBpedia Live. We do this by periodically checking for updates, and adding them to an auxiliary database. Pablo developed smart update, and smart querying algorithms to manage and serve the live data efficiently. We are excited to let the project out in the wild, and see how it performs in real-life use cases. Mentors: Ruben Verborgh (Ghent Univ. – iMinds) and Dimitris Kontokostas (AKSW/KILT)

Registration for mentors @ GSoC 2016 is starting next month and DBpedia would of course try to participate again. If you want to become a mentor or just have a cool idea that seems suitable, don’t hesitate to ping us via the DBpedia discussion or developer mailing lists.

Stay tuned!

Your DBpedia Association

The post GSoC 2015 is gone, long live GSoC 2016 appeared first on DBpedia Association.
