DBpedia Archive

Tag: DBpedia

  • 2021 – Oh What a Fantastic Year

    December 15, 2021
    Can you believe it..? … fourteen years ago the first DBpedia dataset was released. Fourteen years of development, improvements and growth. Now more than 3, 500 GByte of Data is uploaded on the Databus. We want to take this as an opportunity to send out a big “Thank you!” … read more
  • How Innovative Organizations Use The World’s Largest Knowledge Graph

    November 9, 2021
    DBpedia Member Features – Over the last year we gave DBpedia members multiple chances to present their work, tools and applications. In this way, our members gave exclusive insights on the DBpedia blog. This time we will continue with Diffbot, a California-based company whose mission is to “extract knowledge in … read more
  • DBpedia Snapshot 2021-09 Release

    October 22, 2021
    We are pleased to announce immediate availability of a new edition of the free and publicly accessible SPARQL Query Service Endpoint and Linked Data Pages, for interacting with the new Snapshot Dataset. News since DBpedia Snapshot 2021-06 Release notes are now maintained in the Databus Collection (2021-09) Image and … read more
  • Snapshot Release

    Are you looking for the DBpedia Snapshot Release?

    Check here!
  • Bringing Linked Data to the Domain Expert with TriplyDB Data Stories

    October 8, 2021
    DBpedia Member Features – Over the last year we gave DBpedia members multiple chances to present their work, tools and applications. In this way, our members gave exclusive insights on the DBpedia blog. This time we will continue with Triply, a Dutch company. They will introduce TriplyDB and data stories … read more
  • DBpedia Day – Hallo Gemeenschap!

    September 27, 2021
    After an online SEMANTiCs conference in 2020, we thought it is time to meet you in person again. So, we travelled to the Netherlands to organize this year’s DBpedia Day on September 9, 2021 in Amsterdam.   First and foremost, we would like to thank the Institute for Applied Informatics … read more
  • Recap: Google Summer of Code 2021

    September 8, 2021
    We received 26 project proposals for this Google Summer of Code (GSoC) edition. For the 10th year in a row, we were part of this incredible journey of young ambitious developers who joined us as an open-source organization to work on a Google Summer of Code project.  Each year … read more
  • DBpedia Archivo: 1 Year Retrospective

    August 31, 2021
    Exactly 1 year ago, we presented DBpedia Archivo (https://archivo.dbpedia.org, paper, video) at SEMANTiCS 2020. Our initial vision was to create a fully automated, persistent Ontology Archive that serves as a backbone for the Semantic Web and brings a convenient and stable interface to ontology users. In the following, we … read more
  • Announcement: DBpedia Snapshot 2021-06 Release

    July 23, 2021
    DBpedia Snapshot 2021-06 Release We are pleased to announce immediate availability of a new edition of the free and publicly accessible SPARQL Query Service Endpoint and Linked Data Pages, for interacting with the new Snapshot Dataset. What is the “DBpedia Snapshot” Release? Historically, this release has been associated with … read more
  • Structure mining with DBpedia

    February 23, 2021
    DBpedia Member Features – Last year we gave DBpedia members the chance to present special products, tools and applications on the DBpedia blog. We have already published several posts in which our members provided unique insights. This week we will continue with Wallscope, they will show how you can … read more
  • FinScience: leveraging DBpedia tools for fintech applications

    December 16, 2020
    DBpedia Member Features – In the last few weeks, we gave DBpedia members the chance to present special products, tools and applications and share them with the community. We already published several posts in which DBpedia members provided unique insights. This week we will continue with FinScience. They will … read more