Using the industry sectors of DBpedia the Rank – company service of Ontotext provides popularity ranking of the companies from a given industry sector. The rankings can be customized by specifying a geographic region, news categorys and time period. Because it not only tracks mentions of the companies in the news but also includes mentions of their subsidiaries it is a unique service. Standard industry classification systems are intentionally omitted because they often appear confusing for non-experts and do not capture well new industry sectors. Several refinements of the industry classification of DBpedia are implemented to provide more consistent and user-friendly view of the different sectors.
Popularity is measured by means of counting the number of news articles that mention specific company or one of its subsidiaries. In case of groups of interrelated companies in one and the same industry sector, only the company that is the highest in the control hierarchy is ranked – the mentions of the others are consolidated.
The news articles are constantly being sourced from NOW which is the semantic news exploration portal of Ontotext. The ranking service is completley based on a semantic data publishing and analytics service for open data and news about people, organizations and locations – FactForge.
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