The press and public relations department coordinates DBpedia’s external contacts with a focus on public relations, press relations and marketing.
Their areas of responsibility include:
Public Relations/ Event management
Julia Holze
Phone: + 49 341 229037 92
Mail: dbpedia-events[at]
Articles, Blog Posts and Videos about DBpedia
Articles and Blog Posts
- 2022-10-20: SPHERE: Ontologies and building digital twins
- 2022-06-28: Olaf Hartig (Linköping University) and Julia Holze (InfAI): Towards Querying Heterogeneous Federations of Interlinked Knowledge Graphs
- 2022-01-31: Tori Tompkins: Querying Movie Data on Wikipedia using DBpedia and SPARQL
- 2021-07-02: Maria-Esther Vidal (TIB) and Julia Holze (DBpedia): Enhancing Linked Data Trustability and Transparency through Knowledge-driven Data Ecosystems
- 2021-04-28: Bar Cohen (timbr): How we query Wikipedia’s Knowledge Graph (DBpedia) in SQL using timbr
- 2021-02-01: Ruth Kitchin Tillman (Pennsylvania State University Libraries): Time is a Property of Data
- 2020-08-01: Mark Needham (neo4j): This Week in Neo4j – Exploring DBpedia with neosemantics, Graph Database Based Apps, New Elixir driver
- 2020-07-24: Julia Holze (InfAI): Knowledge Graphs in Action – SEMANTiCS 2020 Satellite event
- 2020-02-13: Daniel Heward-Mills (OpenLink Software): Running Basic SPARQL Queries Against DBpedia
- 2019-06-11: Kingsley Idehen (OpenLink Software): What is the Linked Open Data Cloud, and why is it important?
- 2019-06-06: Jacopo Tagliabue (Coveo): How much is a Billion Dollars?
- 2019-05-17: Springer Link, Intelligent and Interactive Computing: Comparing DBpedia, Wikidata, and Yago for Web Information Retrival by S.G. Pillai et al.
- 2019-04-10: Chris Schilling (Wikimedia Foundation): Spotlighting knowledge equity among the newest twenty community-led Project Grants
- 2019-03-18: Amy Hughes and Roberto Tyley (The Guardian): Has Margaret Atwood’s CPU spiked?
- 2019-03-13: Angus Addlesee (Wallscope): Linked Data Reconciliation in GraphDB
- 2018-11-09: Laura Celano (WordLift): On DBpedia Databus
- 2018-02-03: Patrick van Kleef (OpenLink Software): DBpedia Usage Report (as of 2018-01-01).
- 2017-11-14: Szymon Klarman (VU University Amsterdam): Querying DBpedia with GraphQL.
- 2017-08-18: Semantics 2017: DBpedia, an open project with an inclusive model.
- 2017-04-17: Gerard Meijssen (Wikimedia Foundation): #Wikidata user story – #DBpedia, #death and #Federation.
- 2017-03-14: Thomas Thurner (Semantics 2017): Amsterdam is waiting for you!
- 2017-02-11: Kingsley Uyi Idehen (OpenLink Software): On the Mutually Beneficial Nature of DBpedia and Wikidata.
2020-09-09: Johannes Frey (Semantics 2020): DBpedia Archivo – A Web-Scale Interface for Ontology Archiving under Consumer-oriented Aspects
2020-09-09: Marvin Hofer (Semantics 2020): The New DBpedia Release Cycle: Increasing Agility and Efficiency in Knowledge Extraction Workflows
2020-06-19: 1st DBpedia Stack Tutorial
2020-09-02: 2nd DBpedia Stack Tutorial
2020-12-18: 3rd DBpedia Stack Tutorial
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