We are proud to announce that we will organize a tutorial at the Knowledge Graph Conference 2021 on May 4, 2021 at 3pm CEST. The tutorial targets existing and potential new users of DBpedia, developers that wish to learn how to replicate DBpedia infrastructure, service providers interested in exploiting the DBpedia KG, data providers interested in integrating data assets with the DBpedia KG, data scientists (e.g. linguists) focused on extracting relevant information (e.g. linguistic) from/based on the DBpedia KG.
The tutorial is also dedicated for people from the public and private sector who are interested in implementing knowledge graph technologies, and in particular, DBpedia. During the course of the tutorial the participants will gain knowledge about:
- the complete DBpedia Knowledge Graph lifecycle, i.e. from extraction and modelling to publishing and maintenance of DBpedia,
- how to find information, access, query and work with the DBpedia KG,
- the DBpedia infrastructure – the Databus platform and services (Spotlight, archivo, etc),
- how to replicate the DBpedia knowledge graph and infrastructure,
- how to use DBpedia in third-party applications and
- how to contribute and improve the DBpedia knowledge graph.
Altough the tutorial will be shaped in a way that no specific prerequisites will be required, the participants would benefit if they have some background knowledge in Semantic Web concepts and technologies (RDF, OWL, SPARQL), general overview of the Web Architecture (HTTP, URI, JSON, etc.) and basic programming skills (bash, Java, JavaScript).
The DBpedia Knowledge Graph Tech Tutorial will be held on May 4, 2021 at 3:00-6:00pm CEST.
Quick Facts
- Web URL: https://www.dbpedia.org/events/dbpedia-tutorial-kg-conference/
- Hashtag: #DBpediaTutorial
- When: May 4, 2021 at 3.00-6.00pm CEST
- Where: The tutorial will be organized online.
- Registration: via the KGC website
Please register at the Knowledge Graph Conference website to be part of the meeting. You NEED to buy a conference ticket to join the tutorial. After the registration for the event, you will receive an email with more instructions. Please get in touch with us if you have any problems during the registration stage via dbpedia@infai.org.
- Milan Dojchinovski , InfAI, DBpedia Association, CTU
- Sebastian Hellmann, InfAI, DBpedia Association
- Jan Forberg, InfAI, DBpedia Association
- Johannes Frey, InfAI, DBpedia Association
- Julia Holze, InfAI, DBpedia Association
- Marvin Hofer, InfAI, DBpedia Association
- Denis Streitmatter, InfAI, DBpedia Association
For further details of the presentation, please follow the link to the slides.
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