DBpedia Archive

Category: Association

  • Retrospective: GSoC 2018

    October 10, 2018
    With all the beta-testing, the evaluations of the community survey part I and part II and the preparations for the Semantics 2018 we lost almost sight of telling you about the final results of GSoC 2018. Following we present you a short recap of this year’s students and projects … read more
  • DBpedia Chapters – Survey Evaluation – Episode Two

    October 2, 2018
    Welcome back to part two of the evaluation of the surveys, we conducted with the DBpedia chapters. Survey Evaluation – Episode Two The second survey focused on technical matters. We asked the chapters about the usage of DBpedia services and tools, technical problems and challenges and potential reasons to overcome them.  … read more
  • DBpedia Chapters – Survey Evaluation – Episode One

    September 26, 2018
    DBpedia Chapters – Challenge Accepted The DBpedia community currently comprises more than 20 language chapters, ranging from  Basque, Japanese to Portuguese and Ukrainian. Managing such a variety of chapters is a huge challenge for the DBpedia Association because individual requirements are as diverse as the different languages the chapters … read more
  • Snapshot Release

    Are you looking for the DBpedia Snapshot Release?

    Check here!
  • Grüezi Community!

    September 19, 2018
    More than 110 DBpedia enthusiasts joined the Community Meeting in Vienna. After the success of the last two community meetings in Amsterdam and Leipzig, we thought it is time to meet you at the SEMANTiCS conference again. This year’s SEMANTiCS opened with the DBpedia Day on September 10th, 2018 … read more
  • Beta-Test Updates

    September 13, 2018
    While everyone at the DBpedia Association was preparing for the SEMANTiCS Conference in Vienna, we also managed to reach an important milestone regarding the beta-test for our data release tool. First and foremost, already 3500 files have been published with the plugin. These files will be part of the … read more
  • Meet the DBpedia Chatbot

    August 22, 2018
    This year’s GSoC is slowly coming to an end with final evaluations already being submitted. In order to bridge the waiting time until final results are published, we like to draw your attention to a former project and great tool that was developed during last years’ GSoC. Meet the DBpedia … read more
  • Beta-tests for the DBpedia Databus commence

    August 7, 2018
    Finally, we are proud to announce that the beta-testing of our data release tool for data releases on the DBpedia Databus is about to start. In the past weeks, our developers at DBpedia  have been developing a new data release tool to release datasets on the DBpedia Databus. In … read more
  • French DBpedia enthusiasts joined the meetup in Lyon.

    July 6, 2018
    Rencontre avec les français DBpédiens à Lyon In cooperation with Thomas Riechert (HTWK/InfAI), the DBpedia Association organized our second DBpedia meetup this year, this time in Lyon. On July 3rd, 2018, we met the French DBpedia Community at the ENS in person and presented the vision of the new … read more
  • DBpedia at LSWT 2018

    June 27, 2018
    Unfortunately, with the new GDPR, we experienced some trouble with our Blog. That is why this post is published a little later than anticipated. There you go. With our new strategic orientation and the emergence of the DBpedia Databus, we wanted to meet some DBpedia enthusiasts of the German … read more
  • The DBpedia Databus – transforming Linked Data into a networked data economy

    May 15, 2018
    Working with data is hard and repetitive. That is why we are more than happy to announce the launch of the alpha version of our DBpedia Databus, a way that simplifies working with data.  We have studied the data network for already 10 years and we conclude that organizations with open … read more