Month: September 2007
flickr photo collection links added to DBpedia
September 11, 2007Christian Becker (Freie Universität Berlin) has implemented a wrapper around flickr which generates photo collections depicting DBpedia concepts. See flickr wrappr for details. We have interlinked all DBpedia concepts with the corresponding photo collections. You can now use any Semantic Web browser to navigate from a DBpedia concept to flickr photos depicting … read more -
DBpedia 2.0 released
September 5, 2007After quite some work into improving the DBpedia information extraction framework, we have released a new version of the DBpedia dataset today. The renewed DBpedia dataset describes 1,950,000 “things”, including at least 80,000 persons, 70,000 places, 35,000 music albums, 12,000 films. It contains 657,000 links to images, 1,600,000 links … read more