Category: SPARQL endpoint
DBpedia at LSWT 2018
June 27, 2018Unfortunately, with the new GDPR, we experienced some trouble with our Blog. That is why this post is published a little later than anticipated. There you go. With our new strategic orientation and the emergence of the DBpedia Databus, we wanted to meet some DBpedia enthusiasts of the German … read more -
Keep using DBpedia!
February 8, 2018Just recently, DBpedia Association member and hosting specialist, OpenLink released the DBpedia Usage report, a periodic report on the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint and associated Linked Data deployment. The report not only gives some historical insight into DBpedia’s usage, number of visits and hits per day but especially shows statistics … read more -
DBpedia 3.9 released, including wider infobox coverage, additional type statements, and new YAGO and Wikidata links
September 17, 2013Hi all, we are happy to announce the release of DBpedia 3.9. The most important improvements of the new release compared to DBpedia 3.8 are: 1. the new release is based on updated Wikipedia dumps dating from March / April 2013 (the 3.8 release was based on dumps from June … read more -
New DBpedia Overview Article
June 24, 2013We are pleased to announce that a new overview article for DBpedia is available. The article covers several aspects of the DBpedia community project: The DBpedia extraction framework. The mappings wiki as the central structure for maintaining the community-curated DBpedia ontology. Statistics on the multilingual support in DBpedia. DBpedia … read more -
SPARQL endpoint
March 7, 2007There is a new SPARQL endpoint that allows you to query the complete DBpedia dataset. More information about the SPARQL endpoint is found below. read more