DBpedia Blog

  • Behind the scenes of DBpedia

    February 27, 2018
    DBpedia is part of a large network of industry and academia, companies, and organizations as well as 20 Universities including student members. Our aim is to qualify aspiring developers and knowledge graph enthusiasts by working together with industry partners on DBpedia-related tasks. The final goal is, that DBpedia can … read more
  • Keep using DBpedia!

    February 8, 2018
    Just recently, DBpedia Association member and hosting specialist, OpenLink released the DBpedia Usage report, a periodic report on the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint and associated Linked Data deployment. The report not only gives some historical insight into DBpedia’s usage, number of visits and hits per day but especially shows statistics … read more
  • To the DBpedia Community!

    January 15, 2018
    Can you believe ..? … that it has already been eleven years since the first DBpedia dataset was released? Eleven years of development,  improvements and growth, and now, 13 billion pieces of information are comprised in our last DBpedia release. We want to take this opportunity to send out … read more
  • Snapshot Release

    Are you looking for the DBpedia Snapshot Release?

    Check here!
  • Meeting with the US-DBpedians – A Wrap-Up

    November 1, 2017
    One lightning event after the other. Just four weeks after our Amsterdam Community Meeting, we crossed the Atlantic for the third time to meet with over 110 US-based DBpedia enthusiasts. This time, the DBpedia Community met in Cupertino, California and was hosted at Apple Inc.  Main Event First and … read more
  • DBpedia will meet the US-based Community

    October 4, 2017
    Only 8 days left to reserve your seat for our 3rd US DBpedia Community Meeting. We are happy to announce that the 11th DBpedia Meeting will be held in Cupertino, California on October 12th 2017, hosted by Apple Inc. The meetup focuses on connecting the community interested in DBpedia … read more
  • More than 140 DBpedia enthusiasts joined the Community Meeting in Amsterdam.

    September 22, 2017
    After the success of the last two community meetings in Sunnyvale and in Galway, we thought it is time to go Orange again. During the SEMANTiCS 2017 in Amsterdam, Sep 11-14, the DBpedia Community met on the 14th of September. First and foremost, we would like to thank the … read more
  • GSoC 2017 – Recap and Results

    September 12, 2017
    We are very pleased to announce that all of this year’s Google Summer of Code students made it successful through the program and passed their projects. All codes have been submitted, merged and are ready to be examined by the rest of the world. Marco Fossati, Dimitris Kontokostas, Tommaso Soru, Domenico Potena, … read more
  • Career Opportunities at DBpedia – A Success Story

    August 24, 2017
    Google summer of Code is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. During the 3 months summer break from university, students work on a programming projects  with an open source organization, like DBpedia.  We are part of this exciting program for more than 5 … read more
  • Amsterdam verwacht u op de volgende DBpedia Community Meeting!

    August 17, 2017
    We are happy to announce that the 10th DBpedia Community Meeting will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. During the SEMANTiCS 2017, Sep 11-14, the DBpedia Community will get together on the 14th of September for the DBpedia Day. What cool things do you do with DBpedia? Present your tools … read more
  • Failte, Éirinn go Brách

    July 17, 2017
    After our 2nd Community Meeting in the US, we delighted the Irish DBpedia Community with the 9th DBpedia Community Meeting, which was co-located with the Language, Data and Knowledge Conference 2017 in Galway at the premises of the NUI Galway. First and foremost, we would like to thank John … read more