Already, half of the year 2022 has passed by. Time for us to look back on the past half year. What have we achieved? What still lies ahead of us? In the following, we will take you on a retrospective tour through the first half of 2022. We will highlight our past events and the development around the DBpedia dataset. Have fun reading!
DBpedia Tutorial @ The Web Conference 2022
On April 25th DBpedia organized an Online Tutorial at this year’s The Web Conference. The main topic of this tutorial was the DBpedia community project which is centered around the DBpedia Knowledge Graph, the DBpedia Infrastructure and the DBpedia Services. The tutorial also contained a session dedicated on the DBpedia’s current motto, i.e. Global and Unified Access to Linked Data. In practical examples we illustrated the potential and the benefit of using DBpedia in the context of the Web of Data. Get more information and a deeper insight on the blogpost.
DBpedia is part of the Google Summer of Code project 2022
So far, each year has brought us new project ideas, many amazing students and great project results that shaped the future of DBpedia. Like every year, again we received many applications this year. Out of these applications 5 great projects from students all over the world were selected to work together with our mentors. Right now the students are in the middle of the coding phase.
DBpedia Tech Tutorial @ Knowledge Graph Conference 2022
On Wednesday the 2nd of May, 2022 DBpedia organized a tutorial 2.0 at the Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC) 2022. The ultimate goal of the tutorial was to teach the participants all relevant tech around DBpedia, the knowledge graph, the infrastructure and possible use cases. Moreover, this year’s tutorial builded up on previous year tutorials. The tutorial aimed at existing and potential new users of DBpedia, developers that wish to learn how to replicate DBpedia infrastructure, service providers, data providers as well as data scientists. Get more information and a deeper insight on the blogpost.
What Will the Future Bring?
We are now looking forward to the first Data Week Leipzig with the first DBpedia Knowledge Engineering PhD symposium, which will be held on July 6, 2022. If you want to know more about the different presentations and co. have a look at the website here and get yourself a ticket!
In addition we will organize DBpedia Day on September 13, 2022 at the Semantics Conference in Vienna. Check more details on our event page and save your seat now!
Stay safe and check Twitter or LinkedIn. Furthermore, you can subscribe to our Newsletter for the latest news and information around DBpedia.
Julia & Emma
on behalf of the DBpedia Association
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