DBpedia Blog

DBpedia in ReadWriteWeb’s Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009


The new year is slowly approaching and people start compiling their top x lists of 2009, with x usually ranging between 10 and 365. 😉

The popular Web technology blog ReadWriteWeb has chosen x with value 10 and picked DBpedia as one of their top Semantic Web products of 2009. Its actually the only non-commercial community project in the list and in good company with products such as Google’s Search Options and Rich Snippets, Apperture and Data.gov. Other picks, which btw. heavily use or link to DBpedia, include OpenCalais, Freebase, BBC Music and Zemanta.

Read the full article at http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/top_10_semantic_web_products_of_2009.php