DBpedia Blog

DBpedia-Cyc linkage


The commonsense knowledge base Cyc or OpenCyc (when compared to DBpedia) seems to follow a rather top-down approach – first more abstract concepts and entities are represented and later Cyc started to include also more domain knowledge. This seems to be reasonable, since domain knowledge changes faster and there is much more of it. On the other hand, domain knowledge is usually, what people need to solve real problems within their domains. DBpedia contains primarily domain knowledge, hence a combination of both – Cyc and DBpedia – could really be a winning team.

Together with the committed OpenCyc community we produced a first DBpedia-Cyc linkage, which is now available as a DBpedia dataset from the downloads section. The dataset will soon also be loaded into the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint and made available as linked data. More information about the linkage can be found at: http://wiki.dbpedia.org/OpenCyc