The Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers student developers (BSc,MSc,PhD) stipends to write code for open source software projects. It has had thousands of participants since the first edition in 2005, connecting prospective students with mentors from open source communities such as Debian, KDE, Gnome, Apache Software Foundation, Mozilla, etc.
For the students, it is a great chance to get real-world software development experience. For the open source communities, it is a chance to expand their development community. For everybody else, more source code is created and released for the benefit of all!
We are thrilled to announce that our open source project DBpedia Spotlight has been selected for the Google Summer of Code 2012.
We are now seeking students interested in working with us to enhance operational aspects of DBpedia Spotlight, as well as to engage in research activities in collaboration with our team. If you are an energetic developer, passionate for open source and interested in areas related to DBpedia Spotlight, please get in touch with us!
We have shared a number of project ideas to get you started.
To apply, visit:
If you would like to see DBpedia Spotlight in action, helping you to explore available projects within GSoC 2012, please visit our demonstration page at:
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